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Tag - vinyl
Quotes Tagged With :vinyl
Sophia Elaine Hanson
Be happy. Be free. You have a universe inside you.
Geoffrey O'Brien
I learned that the day "The Viper's Drag" slipped from between my fingers. But whatever might be lost....
Rebecca McNutt
Personally, I believe "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'd rather use film cameras and vinyl records....
Eric Spitznagel
I'm fairly tired of hipsters. They have terrible taste in music. These kids come in and say, 'You don't....
Blake Lewis
When people would ask me what I’m addicted to, I always said ‘music.’ And while they’d laugh....
Rebecca McNutt
More pathetic than the digital age is the people who love it. They buy right into the "newer is always....
Yvonne Prinz
Should I have taken him by the hand and led him over to the Zappa? No. I won't spoon-feed the customers.....
Sophia Elaine Hanson
Freedom is a state of mind.
Rashod Ollison
All the men in Daddy's records sang of love with drastically imbalanced emotion. In the span of three....
Sophia Elaine Hanson
May your song guide you home.
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