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Tag - wire
Quotes Tagged With :wire
Chloe Thurlow
When you can cross the highwire without falling off, you are in a state of perfect balance, perfect grace.....
Anthony Liccione
If coffee were like dreams, then I would be wired in constant bliss, never needing sleep to live out....
Steven Magee
The rise of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) in the USA population can be traced back to President....
Steven Magee
Communication land lines are going to be around for a long time, the internet runs on them, as do the....
Jim Thompson
If I had to marry someone, it wouldn't be a bossy little gal with a tongue like barbed-wire and a mind....
Derek Landy
Emergency Valve Regulators," she repeated. "So you do know what your doing?"Not really," he said yanking....
Steven Magee
Eating organic for good health and spending your day sitting down using a wireless computer that is next....
David Chiles
Smartphones control us with assistance Netiquette provides guidelines for right and wrong. NetworkEtiquette.net....
Philippe Petit
It cannot be done all at once. To overpower vertigo - the keeper of the abyss- one must tame it, cautiously.....
Steven Magee
The general public of the wireless western nations are very tolerant to the radiation poisoning of the....
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