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Tag - borg
Quotes Tagged With :borg
Jorge Luis Borges
I think—the hero observes that nothing is so frightening as a labyrinth with no center.
Amit Kalantri
I am so obsessed with the cars that sometimes I feel like my heart is not a muscle, it's an engine.
Will Advise
I'll make a book on learning how to be a complete moron someday, and I'm sure no one will buy it, because....
Jorge Luis Borges
I never reread what I've written. I'm far too afraid to feel ashamed of what I've done.
Riccardo Bruni
That's what lay behind the feud under way in the Republic: a battle between different noble family factions....
Jorge Luis Borges
But let no one imagine that we were mere ascetics. There is no more complex pleasure than thought, and....
William H. Gass
As Borges has taught us, all the books in the library are contemporary. Great poems are like granaries:....
Emanuel Swedenborg
Everything good or true that the angels inspire in us is God’s, so God is constantly talking to us.....
Amit Kalantri
I love the wheels, I mean steering wheel.
Michel Foucault
This book first arose out of a passage in Borges, out of the laughter that shattered, as I read the passage,....
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