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Tag - europeans
Quotes Tagged With :europeans
Thomas Sowell
It takes no more research than a trip to almost any public library or college to show the incredibly....
Rhys Bowen
So none of the young men we encountered during our season gave you hot pants for them?Belinda! Your language.....
David Foster Wallace
This is the kind of paradox, I think, of what it is to be a halfway intelligent American right now, and....
John Adams
...The Presidential election has given me less anxiety than I myself could have imagined. The next administration....
Bill Bryson
Bulgaria, I reflected as I walked back to the hotel, isn’t a country; it’s a near-death experience.....
Toni Morisson
They would come with languages that sounded like dog bark; with a childish hunger for animal fur. They....
Núria Añó
Europe, the land of easy mathematics where he who works adds up and he who retires subtracts. The land....
P.J. O'Rourke
I was having dinner…in London…when eventually he got, as the Europeans always do, to the part about....
Tayeb Salih
As best I could I had answered their many questions. They were surprised when I told them that Europeans....
Rosa Luxemburg
What do you want with these special Jewish pains? I feel as close to the wretched victims of the rubber....
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