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Tag - lies
Quotes Tagged With :lies
rassool jibraeel snyman
He who is absolutely right is absolutely wrong
Karen Kingsbury
I tell of hearts and souls and dances...Butterflies and second chances;Desperate ones and dreamers bound,Seeking....
Miranda J. Barrett
Unveiling the lies that we live by can ultimately help reveal the truth.
H. Alazhar
The high is what you crave, what you would kill for... and believe me, you will lie to yourself until....
Brian Spellman
When to others it's not lying. It's privacy.
Jeanette Winterson
Every day in my consultancy, I meet men and women who are out of their minds. That is, they have not....
Caesar J. B. Squitti
The Truth is different than human truths; they are like LIGHT.Truths are like a color, absolute and true,....
David W. Earle
The truth is, we tend to train people how we want to be treated. If others know you have wishy-washy....
LeAnne Mechelle
It’s the butterflies in our bellies, and the lightening in our eyes that tells me this all makes so....
Crystal Woods
Butterflies. Everyday.
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