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Tag - rigidity
Quotes Tagged With :rigidity
Salman Rushdie
Obviously, a rigid, blinkered, absolutist world view is the easiest to keep hold of, whereas the fluid,....
Mark Twain
It is discouraging to try to penetrate a mind like yours. You ought to get it out and dance on it. That....
Isabel Allende
But why give a man something it's so hard to earn? In that respect women are really thick. They're the....
Michael Bassey Johnson
The game never changes, you must be in the secret before you are shown to the public.
Dejan Stojanovic
I lose faith in mathematics, logical and rigid. What with those that even zero doesn’t accept?
Gary Rohrmayer
Change leads to growth. Resistance leads to rigidity. Rigidity leads to ...
Michael Spivak
For many years I have been saying that I would like to write a book (or series of books) called Physics....
Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich identified "armor" as the sum total of typical character attitudes, which an individual....
Michael Spivak
... who can forget the amazement of a child balancing an adult on a see-saw, simply by being placed at....
George Friedman
The great presidents never forget the principle of the republic and seek to preserve and enhance them....
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