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Tag - thomas
Quotes Tagged With :thomas
Dean Koontz
In all our lives, however, there are many days when we die a little, when we are wounded by loss or failure,....
Dean Koontz
That stormy day in the desert, however, much changed for me. We must have our goals, our dreams and we....
Thomas Hardy
You know, mistress, that I love you, and shall love you always
Rebecca Donovan
Oh! Did you hear that Haley Spencer asked him to homecoming?” she exclaimed. “Of course I didn’t.....
Thomas Merton
As a matter of face, Zen is at present most fashionable in America among those who are least concerned....
Sherry Thomas
Her jaw dropped. She grabbed him by the shoulders. “I think I have formed an attachment to you. You....
Michael Thomas Ford
I'm not sure what a good person is, exactly. On the one hand, it could be someone who always play by....
Dean Koontz
Hope, love, and faith are in the waiting
Jim Butcher
Da. This is going very well already."Thomas barked out a laugh. "There are seven of us against the Red....
Dean Koontz
Although much that was precious has been taken from me in this life, I have reason to remain an optimist.....
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