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Tag - comedy
Quotes Tagged With :comedy
Vonnie Davis
If ye wear underwear, it's a skirt. If ye dinna, it's a kilt.
Jackson Radcliffe
The point of tantric sex was supposedly to harness sexual energy to awaken higher consciousness. It was....
Carolyn Drake
Everyone loves a goddamned trainwreck, after all.
Bill Hicks
I want my rockstars dead.
Randy Kagan
I definitely believe marijuana helps with menstruation. Since I started smoking pot, my girlfriend’s....
Oscar Wilde
JACKYou're quite perfect, Miss Fairfax.GWENDOLENOh! I hope I am not that. It would leave no room for....
Joe Montaperto
Ask not what your Joe Montaperto can do for you, but rather what YOU can do for your Joe Montaperto.
Heather M. Orgeron
I’ll take stolen kisses and trysts in the cane fields for as long as I live over a life without you....
Charon Lloyd-Roberts
And Tria this is Vilenthe.” Tria just stares before collapsing onto the floor Ingra looks down “She'll....
Gus Van Sant
The dark comedies tend to be in a non-releasable area. There can be romantic comedies. There can be dramas.....
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