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Tag - ombies
Quotes Tagged With :ombies
Ryan Mecum
Beth from accountingis just sitting in her careating spaghetti.
Stephen Jones
We live, if we still do live, in a Sea of Chaos, out of which any fucking monster can evolve.
David Wong
Zombie nerds. They probably had the flyers already made up for this. There was nobody creepier than the....
J. Cornell Michel
If I could make one wish, I wouldn't ask for world peace. I'd wish for a real zombie apocalypse. I'll....
Tahnee Fritz
I hate what’s become of the world. Most of the humans do. There’s so much violence and blood and....
Jen Naumann
This is the moment I have dreaded, the very reason why we kept running, even when it seemed hopeless.....
Joan Frances Turner
No, we wern't telling Teresa. Because she had that same smell on her skin too, that dead hoocow's awful....
Jonathan Maberry
It's cloaked in cultural mumbo jumbo, but I assure you that it is very hard science.
Rusty Fischer
You know, surprisingly, they don't sell a lot of brains in the local 24-hour grocery store around the....
Keira D. Skye
Hey, hey, just a little scare.” Said Nico, backing away from a very guarded Katty. “Gotta get used....
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