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Tag - ombies
Quotes Tagged With :ombies
Darynda Jones
Since I had a soft spot for zombies and my curiosity was killing me, I opted for plan Z.
Patricia Hamill
I don't want to think about it, but I have to. Someone has to. I see the signs of spring and I weep.......
Forrest Carr
We don’t go in for that psychodynamic stuff around here. Those guys will talk you to death, clean out....
Rebecca Boucher
Fearful that they would be caught, the young lovers cast themselves into the sea with their stone, saying....
Jesse Petersen
Make requests, not demands. "Please" kill that zombie, honey, I'm out of bullets.
Rose Wynters
I forced my weary body up from the ground, my eyes burning with rage. I'd had enough of nearly dying.....
Stephen Herfst
It is meant to be survival of the fittest, not survival of the most floral.
Steven Ramirez
The sound of him drinking was indescribable—like dirty runoff down a storm drain.
James Ponti
If this had been a public-school locker room, there would have been some gray jumbo-sized garbage cans....
Peter Clines
Don't you get it?' said Max. 'You're not praying, you're just... wishing. And wishes don't come true.....
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